About PayrollTrace

PayrollTrace is a cutting-edge solution developed through the collaboration of DANAconnect and eSource Capital. Together, these two industry leaders bring complementary strengths to ensure the highest level of efficiency, security, and compliance for payroll document management and delivery.

Why Two Companies?

The partnership between DANAconnect and eSource Capital combines unparalleled expertise in two critical areas:

  • DANAconnect brings its deep knowledge of secure, compliant, and scalable document management systems, perfect for managing and delivering sensitive payroll data.
  • eSource Capital contributes its cloud technology expertise, ensuring that PayrollTrace operates smoothly within the modern digital environment, empowering businesses to scale and automate their payroll processes effortlessly with great service.

Together, we’ve created PayrollTrace—a robust and scalable solution that simplifies post payroll management, enhances compliance, and ensures secure delivery of pay stubs and other payroll documents across various channels.

About eSource Capital

eSource Capital has solidified its position as a leading Google Cloud Partner in Latin America, specializing in cloud transformation and digital collaboration. Their deep understanding of Google Workspace and Google Cloud allows PayrollTrace to leverage cloud solutions for seamless document delivery and real-time tracking, ensuring efficiency and ease of use for businesses of all sizes.

eSource Capital

About DANAconnect

DANAconnect is a leading technology company dedicated to transforming processes for businesses through Automation and Artificial Intelligence. With a strong focus on innovation, security, and efficiency, we empower organizations to automate their customer interactions and document management through our robust omnichannel platform.

DANAconnect currently serves over 150 major enterprises, including leading banks, insurance companies, and telecommunications operators throughout the Americas.

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